Episode 11

Published on:

7th Sep 2023

Celebrating your Wins (No Matter How Small)

In this week's episode Tazmin and Sarah discuss the importance of celebrating your wins in your personal life and at work. There is no such thing as a win too small!

About 'The SEO Mindset' Podcast

Build your inner confidence and thrive.

The SEO Mindset is a weekly podcast that will give you actionable tips, guidance and advice to help you not only build your inner confidence but to also thrive in your career.

Each week we will cover topics specific to careers in the SEO industry but also broader topics too including professional and personal development.

Your hosts are Life Coach Tazmin Suleman and SEO Manager Sarah McDowell, who between them have over 20 years of experience working in the industry.

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Hello, everyone. A very warm welcome to the SEO Mindset podcast, where your hosts are myself, Sarah McDowell, and the wonderful Tazmin Suleman. So this week, we've got an awesome episode. We are going to be talking about celebrating your wins, no matter how small, because it's very important that we do that now before I get Tazmin on, just a couple of reminders of how you can support us. So if you enjoy what me and podcast, if you enjoy what me and Tazmin are doing on the podcast, you can support us in many different ways. For example, we are on Buy Me A Coffee, so you can give us a one off donation. So a link to that, if you're interested, is in the Show Notes. And we've got a newsletter, right? So sign up to our newsletter. We'll keep you updated. We'll let you know what's going on. We won't spam. Me and Tazmin aren't spammers. So, yeah, a link to that will also be in the Show Notes. Hello, Tazmin.


Hello you. Sarah, lots of good wishes and love coming from me to you across the screen.


I'm going to get everyone to get their small violins out because I'm currently training to walk a marathon at the end of September, and weekend just gone I had to walk 20 miles and my legs are like, what are you doing? What have you done to us? Hard to get around, but Tazmin.


Well done, you, for doing that!


Thank you very much. This is our final episode of season six.


I know. I'm just so happy about all of this. It started off as a little idea and it's grown into like a proper thing.


I know.


Really exciting.


Crazy. I don't even know where season six has gone because that means ten episodes in the bag. And just thinking back, we've had some cracking guests. I mean, we always do, don't we? And we've covered some awesome topics as well. I feel like even with six seasons and however many episodes we've done, we've still just scratched the surface.


And I'm already talking to some people because I have got some great ideas for season seven. Some really great guests, great episodes. So I'm excited.


That's great. I mean, I'm excited to see what season seven brings. And this topic, celebrating your wins. So I thought this would be a nice way to round off the season because I want to get people empowered, invigorated, all those buzwords, all those lovely buzwords. And I thought that this would be a nice way to round it off. Now, before we do, we've got some exciting things that we can tell our listeners. So last week, those eager eyes, some people might have already realized, but we published a bonus episode, didn't we?


We did indeed. That was a lovely conversation we had.


So the wonderful people over at Opinionated SEO opinions. So we've got Sam, Tory and Begum. They invited us to join them for an episode where we talked about adapting to change. For me, I just loved how open, honest and transparent that conversation was.


Yeah, it was really good and lots of great ideas, lots of great thoughts, and really some really helpful hints, tips and ways to be able to navigate that. Because SEO fast paced as usual, and it just seems to get faster and faster.


Exactly. You're in the fast lane when it comes to SEO, aren't you, on that motorway? So if you've not had a chance to check that out, what I've done is because it was a collab, a collaboration, it was both posted on each other's respective feeds. So in the show notes, there is a link to the podcast episode where you'll be able to listen, but there's also a link to YouTube because it was live recorded. So if you want to see all of our faces, then there's another option there for you. And I'll let you say our last announcement.


Well, it's Brighton next week. So we are really excited. Lots going on. We're doing another live podcast. We are with our friend Jack from Search with Candour. Again, my words are not coming out today either. An initiative that we started to help people who are going to the conference to kick start that conference journey of theirs. And last time it was so well received, thought we're doing another one. This time we're going to be talking about how to manage your energy. So that's your physical energy, your mental energy, and very excited about.


Yeah. So if you are in Brighton, so it's happening on Wednesday, the 13 September. It's a wonderful venue, projects the lanes in Brighton, and we kick things off at 07:00 p.m. It's free as well, so there's no cost at all. So, yeah, come and join us because instead of me and Tazmin recording from our bedrooms or the living room or your garden room. Me, Tazmin and Jack will be recording a podcast in front of a live audience. That means that you get to be part of the podcast as well. And we also do a interactive Q+A session at the end. And that was wonderful last time because people ask questions, but also so we were talking about anxiety. So people ask questions about anxiety, but they also shared as well, shared their own thoughts, experiences, knowledge on the subject. So I'm really excited to do the same for managing energy levels because I think because going to conferences is tiring, right?


Yeah. And for any speakers or moderators who are listening and thinking, I'm not going to be able to make seven because there's a speakers tour, we won't actually start recording till is it about 730?


I think so, yes.


So you've got time. You've got time to do both. So don't feel that you've got to miss out on. Yes.


So recording, I mean, a loose start about 07:30 isn't. Yeah, like Tazmin said. So if this sounds up your street, it is. Free drinks and snacks included. There'll be a link in the show notes. Basically, just go and check the episode show notes for this episode because there's lots of wonderful stuff in there. Right, shall we crack on with today's episode?


Can I do a little plug, though, of course, as well, if anybody likes listening to me, I'll be all over Brighton, so I'll be doing mindfulness sessions in the media room at 10:40am to 11am on both days, and then I'll be speaking in the session afterwards. So come and say hello. I love it when people come and say hello.


Yeah. And I'll be there in front row cheering you on. Thank you. But yes, wonderful. Right, so celebrating your wins, no matter how small. Tazmin, do you celebrate your wins?


Not enough. And it's bad because I teach this, I preach this, I encourage this, but I think you get into this. Life is fast paced, so you will do something good or something wonderful will happen and you'll just say, oh yeah, it was great, and then you move on to the next thing. So I'm guilty.


Guilty. I think we are all guilty of not celebrating wins. And this topic came from so I was speaking to someone within the community and they were sharing some successes or yeah, they were sharing some wonderful stuff that had happened. And I was like, oh, make sure that you put time aside to celebrate. And they responded saying, thanks for the reminder, Sarah. And they said that they sometimes forget to celebrate because you just move on to the next thing, because once you've reached that goal or once you've reached that target, you're just like right onto the next thing. And it's so important to celebrate our wins. And as I said earlier, no matter how small. So there is no win that is small. Too small to celebrate. Because I've heard that from other people where I've encouraged someone to share a win and they're like, oh, it doesn't feel like they do the standard thing of comparing themselves to someone else. And then it doesn't feel like it's a win because they've compared themselves to someone else. But I'm like, hang on a minute. This is a win for you. And it's all about progression, it's all about growth. So you need to do you know what? No matter how small a win is, make sure that you celebrate them.


Yeah. Bizarrely, as you were speaking, something came into my mind recently. I'd gone to Rome with my daughter. We were traveling back, it should have know, a very quick journey back, but we got stuck at Munich and we were stuck there for two days, no luggage, having to navigate all sorts of things. And at the end of it and she was great throughout, she kept on saying, it's a learning experience. I'm so glad we're here. Together. And I was able to celebrate that win with her, that we kept our call, we were there for each other, we carried on laughing and we made it home. So when it was her and me, I celebrated. Had it just been me, I don't think I would have done.


Okay, so because you had someone else there that motivated you to celebrate. Yeah.


So maybe it's easier when it's a team win. If you're working in an organization and your team's working on a project and it goes well, it's easier to celebrate it then. But when we are for those people who are working for themselves or working from home, it feels harder.


Yeah, I don't know. I agree. Benefits then why should we be celebrating our wins? There's loads of reasons. Right. But I could just spend an hour sort of listing all the reasons why you should celebrate wins. But some key things that sort of come to mind is it helps you sort of adopt a healthy mindset. So if you're keeping track of all the wins or all the stuff that you have achieved, then that's only going to do you good personally from like a well being point of view. It's also like a nice pat on the back. A pat on the back. But yeah, it definitely helps with you definitely setting your mindset. I mean, there is an Oprah quote, you ready?


Everyone loves a bit of Oprah.


The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Right? And you are your biggest fan, okay? You need to put yourself up first. You need to celebrate yourself. And yeah, mindset, it can increase motivation. Okay? So, yeah, as we're crossing off our to do list, that's like a nice thing or like ticking off wins or goals or targets. Because it's not just about the big ones. You've got all your little ones that lead up to the big achievements. So it can help with that motivation of, okay, this is a small win, let's celebrate it. And this small win leads us on to this bigger win. So increases motivation. It helps you to continue learning and adapting. So I think you'll be a big fan of this one. So each time you celebrate a win, it gives you time to reflect as well. So you can sort of look back on, okay, reflect on things that went really well, things that could have gone better. Because obviously when you've reached this win, there are going to be some bumps in the road when you get there. And confidence booster. So we all talk about impostor syndrome, we all talk about lacking in self awareness and self belief or comparing ourselves to other SEO people doing stuff. Like if you are celebrating your wins, you're helping your own confidence and your own boost. And suppose it kind of leads back to my first point, doesn't it, of mindset. But yeah, so have you got anything else that you want to add? Anything that springs to mind.


So the last one that you said about confidence boosting, it's giving you evidence. If you have succeeded in something, if you have achieved something, then it's building your bank of evidence of what you can do. So it'll help you then go off and do the next thing that's going to take you out of your comfort zone or the next thing on your plan of how to get from where you are to where you want to be. That's something that I feel that we're not very good at. Me, personally, and I was coaching Bizarrely at the minute. I've got two different cohorts going on for revitalize. One is for the SEO community and one is for my mosque ladies. And the same issue came up on both. There was one girl who had applied for a managerial job, got it and said to me, well, I don't know why I got that. It was just a fluke. Maybe they couldn't find anyone else. And on the SEO group, there was a girl who writes poetry, and she said, oh, one of my poems has been published by this major publication. But both women were downplaying their achievements, and we are guilty of that. But yet we overemphasize when things go wrong, right?


Yeah. So because we're in this mindset, I suppose, of waiting for something to go wrong or that impostor syndrome get into us. Even when we do have a win, there's still a bit of that self doubt in there.


Yeah. And putting my spiritual hat on, if we want to do something, we want to go for a job, or we want to get to season seven of a podcast, whatever it is, we've worked hard to get it, we get it. And then instead of saying, that's really great, thank you, I did well there, and embracing that achievement, we're downplaying it, then why would the universe give us any more? Because we're not practicing gratitude for that thing that it has given. And even if you don't want, if you're not spiritually inclined, think of it for yourself. You've worked hard for it, appreciate it, be thankful for it. Because otherwise, where is that abundance going to come from?


Oh, 100%. And you said earlier, when you gave your example of your trip to Rome, you celebrate more when you're with someone, or say it's like a project, work with someone, or you're working on something together, or it's a life thing that you're achieving with someone else. I think it's quite sad, isn't it? Because if it's like a solo thing, we don't feel that we should celebrate because it's just us. But I think in those moments, it's possibly even more important to celebrate, because it's like, do you know what? I can do this stuff on my own. I've achieved this stuff on my own. And there's a lot to be said about that. I think, isn't there, about being able to do stuff. For example, I walked 20 miles on Sunday. I did that on my own.


That's brilliant.


I remember my girlfriend Tash saying, oh, I'm really proud of you, well done. And I was like, that's a bit strong. So it was the same thing isn't to so I think the biggest takeaway then, because we're going to stop for a break and we'll be back with part two. But biggest takeaway from part one is stop that doubt. I think that's what we're saying, right? Stop that impostor syndrome. Stop yourself from preventing you to celebrate in your own wins and your own successes. Right?


Yeah. I'm going to share a win. What? Right? And it's so tiny that you're going.


Do it, it doesn't matter.


It's huge. It's huge. So while I was in Rome, we have a new front door. And I hate it because it's so difficult to open, that for the last three days, I've been using the side door and even used it. And I have to do, like, a little mantra when I open it, saying, right, close is clockwise, therefore open is anticlockwise. But today I managed to leave my house and return all through the front door.


Right. And we're celebrating it. So round of applause. Well done, Steve. That is easy, folks, celebrating your wins no matter how small, because yeah, that's big for you. That's big.


It is. Tazmin could get out of her house and come back home.


Oh, wonderful. Right, well, on that note, let's take a short break and we'll be back with part two, where we'll be talking more about this subject, obviously, but we'll focus more on how to celebrate. So we'll be sharing some examples of how to celebrate your wins. We are back for part two. Any other small wins that you had in the break there, Tazmin?


No, not in the break.


I'm really enjoying this episode because, yeah, I think hopefully for a lot of our audiences, it will empower them and get them thinking, right, I need to celebrate me more because it all feeds into being kinder to yourself, celebrating yourself. Because how many times do you celebrate a friend or a family member or a loved one or a work colleague and they do something right?




We should just be doing it for ourselves. Yeah. And it's getting out of the mindset, because every time someone shares something with you that they're proud of, you've never thought, well, that's a bit ridiculous because you don't you're really happy for them. So it's funny, isn't it, that we can't do the same for ourselves?


No. We went to this place called Mr 100 Tiramisu in Rome, and we tried two there, and I said to my daughter, yours are better. And it was so easy for me to say that to her, and she said, oh, thanks, mom. And she said, I'll take the win.


There you go. Yeah. You had a wonderful time in Rome, didn't you?


Yeah, it's really, really good.


Right, so, unfortunately, part two, we're not going to be talking about Tazmin's trip to Rome, so we know about the importance of why we need to celebrate and we've kind of sort of discussed what stops us as well. So let's get into some actionable stuff, then. How can we celebrate wins? Tazmin, I'll let you start.


So it's more of a practice that I used to have that I encourage my clients to do. And because of this episode, I'm going to start again. So I used to have a jar by my bedside table and every night I had to put a win on a piece of paper and put it in the jar, no matter how big or small. Actually, you know what, I'll do the jar today and I'm going to put down, I got in and out the house safely. But what happens is that as you see the month progress and you see the winds in your jar increase and the level go up, you feel good, you feel that, you know what, I'm doing something worthwhile. And then at the end of the month, you open all of those pieces of paper up and you'll miss make, like a little collage and it illustrates it. It's there in black and white what you've achieved that month. Now, imagine if you did that every single day for a year.


Oh, my God, it would be overfilling. Yeah, I love that.


2024 has to be the year of the win jar.


And then there's like, the visual representation as well of, oh, my gosh, look how many winds I've got going on.


Yeah, so it's clear jar mine was, you know those French jams with the red and white?




It was one of those it was one of the bigger ones. And I had the postit notes just folded up. So you had, like, yellow and pink and green and it looked really pretty. And then I would unfold them all. So that's a method of capturing your wins and seeing them visually.


And what you could do is you could do this with a friend or a loved one, like your partner, sibling, your best mate, your mum, your daughter, anyone in your family that I can think of. But what you could do is if you both do this together, then maybe it's like a nice little tradition at the end of the year is you literally just pick out random ones, read them to each other and be like, yeah, because then you've got the visual representation. But then you can also because you'll have stuff in there that you'll forget about and you can be like, actually, that was a really epic win. I completely forgot about that.


Yeah, love it. I think I'm going to do that now.


Yeah, well, hopefully our listeners, audience members, I'm in the mindset of being on that live already, aren't I?


Any listeners who adopt this, send us a message and let us know how it's going.


Yes, definitely. Okay. I love that idea. Some of the things that spring to my mind is having a Win folder or a Yay folder. So whenever you finish a project at work and you share the results or you share your progress or whatever, and you get good feedback from your boss, team members, colleagues, maybe you work in an agency and it's your clients, take a screenshot and create a folder somewhere on your desktop. Or could be Google Drive and create a Yay or a Win folder, right? So I suppose it's similar to the Jar idea, but for those people who are more technically minded, you could do that cheerleaders, right? So in a previous episode when we talk about impostor syndrome, we talked about having cheerleaders. So when you're feeling that the impostor syndrome is getting too much, you message your cheerleaders and they're there for you. Your cheerleaders could also be there to help you celebrate your wins, right? So say like you're doing a solo project or there's something that you're doing on your own, you could share a win with your cheerleaders. You could also because you have an accountability group, don't you, Tazmin? You could maybe set yourself up an accountability group if you're a freelancer or you work on your own and you've got other people that you can have accountability. But again, you've got a place where you can share your wins with someone.


So on group coaching, that's the first question everyone has to answer. What has been their win since the last group coaching session?


Nice. So there you go. You are celebrating the wins. Other ways that you could celebrate a win is how can you treat yourself, right? And you could buy yourself a gift, but it doesn't have to be a gift. So maybe you could treat yourself by, I don't know, like finishing early on a day or doing something that you really enjoy. Like say there's been something that you've really wanted to buy, or there's something that you really want to do, or whatever it is, find a way to treat yourself and be like, Sarah, you did good. So what I'm going to do is take you to do this sort of thing. And it doesn't always have to cost money. It doesn't have to be a gift that you actually have to buy yourself. Maybe it's going somewhere that you really like, or maybe it's watching something on Netflix or watching, I don't know, whatever it is, find something, find a way that you can treat yourself. And is it a pat on the back?


So an extension of that. When it was just Sabia and me at home, there was a big project I was working on, and in my plan was do this, do this, do this, do this. But the first thing I was going to do was talk to her because she was much younger then and said, look, Mom's going to be really busy on this project. This is how long it's going to take. This is how much time it's going to take. Is that okay with you? Because me being really busy impacted her life. And that was the first thing. And at the end when it was done, the celebration was for the two of us. Because although she hadn't physically worked on the project, her understanding the space that she allowed me allowed me to be able to be impactful in that project. So the win was there for the two of us, and I think she wanted to go to the pictures or something like that. So if you are in a household, if you're in a partnership and it's going to affect the other person, then it's a really great way of including them in it.


Oh, 100%. Yeah. It's something that I spoke to my girlfriend about Tash, because I said that we need to get better. We're very good at sort of giving praise and what you call it, words of affirmation and things like that. When we have a win and we're good on that and we cheer each other on. But I was like, maybe we need to celebrate more and actually do something. Yeah. Because this is all geared. So the focus of this episode was how to celebrate your own personal wins. But I suppose we can touch on how you can help other people celebrate, right. And say a loved one, family member or friend, your best mate, they've shared a win with you, and you know that it's a very big win for them. You could send them a card or send them something or show them that, okay, I'm here to celebrate with you. This is an amazing thing that you've achieved.


Yeah, it's all great points.


Just thinking of other foodies out there. If you enjoy cooking or you enjoy baking, maybe you can celebrate and make your favorite meal or make your favorite pudding dessert or treat yourself to I don't know. I flipping love a vegan Gregg's sausage roll. Maybe that can be my treat. Not that expensive either, but yeah, I suppose it's just finding ways that you can celebrate, right. And being part of communities. So with the Women in Tech SEO community that we're both part of, there is a channel there where you can celebrate your wins, isn't there?


Yeah. The motivation.


Yeah. And that's wonderful.


Every Wednesday. It's good. And it just helps each other as well that you think, oh, so and so said this. Actually, I could share my one as well.


And make sure. Something at work and in SEO, right. So especially if you're the only person that works in SEO. Yeah. Another thing to do is make sure that you celebrate your wins with other people in your department, but just make sure that you're celebrating it. And you're using words that makes it easily understandable, because not everyone will understand all the SEO lingo and all of that stuff. So make sure you celebrate your wins with your team members, with your boss, with shareholders, with clients. Right. And when someone shares a win with you, make sure that you at work, make sure you big them up, because then you're harnessing this sort of lovely atmosphere and culture of where people are bigging each other up and supporting one another.


Yeah. And if you're in a position of leadership, it's something you should encourage your team members to do. But also be mindful that somebody may have been trying to get something done, but it's not worked. So celebrating going out of their comfort zone because it's reframing the failure, isn't it? They may not have got there yet, but they are being persistent and resilient and innovative and creative, and all of that great stuff is what we need.


More and more 100%. And definitely, I think, when things don't go quite to plan, but people are showing initiative, like you say, or like they're being proactive of how they can fix it, you should celebrate that more, I think, because that shows what's the word that I'm looking for? Perseverance. That's not perseverance was right there. Right there. Is there anything, any other ways that you can well, I feel like we've given people things to think about, haven't we?


Yeah, I think keeping a record. So what was it? I think it was in Atomic habits. Maybe I'm not quoting the example correctly, but the concept is supposing. You're trying to save money. If you are in the habit of getting lots of takeaways and not eating healthily, and you are saying, right, I'm going to eat at home now, I'm going to cook some food at home, and you've done that for 30 days, that's great. But if for every 30 days, say, each time you ate at home, you saved a tenor, put that tenor in a jar and keep putting those tenors in a jar, five pounds or whatever it is, and then at the end of the month, go out for one nice meal.


Yes. Love that idea.


Again, it's that visual. Keep a track of your wins, keep a track of money. You've saved miles that you've walked, whatever it is you could have.


I was just thinking, because I think visual is the thing here. You could kind of have a sticker chart, couldn't you?


Gold star or those barometers, like those thermometers we want to raise 20,000 pounds. It's having that and not ignoring it. But sometimes before you celebrate, you have to acknowledge it. And often we don't do the acknowledgment.


Yeah, there's loads of ways I'd love to see. I'm just thinking, like, you could just buy a load of gold stars, have the months, and each time there's a win, it's the same idea as the jar, but just another way, isn't it? Because yeah, that's bringing something from childhood as well.


Because we loved stickers, didn't we? We used to love stickers. I don't think we stopped loving stickers.


We need to get a SEO Mindset branded stickers that people can use on their win chart. Merch ideas here.


2024 is the campaign of the Win by the SEO Mindset.


SEO Mindset win stickers, and it's mine and Tazmin's faces like this each time in a gold star.


Bless them. Bless them slightly. Getting carried away.


So, Tazmin, we need to wrap up. So main takeaway from this podcast episode, please.


I certainly need to get better at celebrating my wins, and step one will be acknowledging them by reinstating my win jar by my bedside table.


Nice. Yeah. And I mean, I would agree that that was my main takeaway, but the added thing of just be nicer to yourself, right? Try and get rid of that self-doubt like you've got this win. Don't downplay it. Celebrate it. Shout it from the rooftops. Get a megaphone. Yeah. All these ways. Right? So let's end. This is the last episode of the season. Sad times.


Sad times. Soon we'll be back with season seven. Yes, she's going to be bigger and better than yeah.


We've got some exciting stuff that we'll be announcing for season seven. So, yeah, we'll take a short break, but it'll only be a couple of weeks, so make sure you subscribe. Right, so there's a link in the show notes to subscribe if you're not already, because as soon as we're back, you'll be notified and then you don't miss us. And reminder again. Come and join us for that live podcast where we're talking about managing energy levels at conferences. Link in the show notes for that as well. Oh, newsletter. Sign up to get updates from us. Buy me a coffee if you want to donate. Link in the show notes. Is there anything else? Any other podcast admin?


No, but if you see us at brightonSEO, please, please come and say hello. We love meeting you all.


Yeah, I've got to celebrate in my mind because that's what this podcast episode is all about. But I'm going to experiment with ending on this catchphrase. You ready?


Okay, go on then. I've not heard this.


Remember, listeners, we should be optimizing our careers and not just for the algorithms. That's what we're going to end each episode with now, Tazmin. Say it with me, remember, listeners, we should be optimizing our careers and not just the algorithms.


Yeah, but that sort of, like, plays into my talk, and I'm not sure how well it marries up, so we're going to have to talk about that.


Okay, so there's room for development here. Work in progress.


Work in progress. But no, thank you, everyone who's been listening. Thank you and come back. Join us for season seven. Like Sarah said, subscribe so you don't miss out and we're looking forward to sharing our exciting news and all the.


Wonderful guests and other topics that we're going to talk about. So we shall see you when we're back for season seven. Goodbye for now.


Take care everyone.

Show artwork for The SEO Mindset Podcast

About the Podcast

The SEO Mindset Podcast
Personal growth tips to help you to optimise your SEO career and not just the algorithms!
The SEO Mindset is a weekly podcast that gives you actionable, personal growth and development tips, guidance and advice, to help you to optimise your SEO career and not just the algorithms.

The podcast is dedicated to talking about important topics that aren't often spoken about in the industry such as imposter syndrome, burnout, anxiety, self awareness etc. Sarah and Tazmin, along with their special guests highlight important topics, share own experiences as well as giving actionable solutions. Basically we have open, honest and frank conversations to help others in the industry.

Each week we cover topics specific to careers in the SEO industry but also broader topics. We will help you to not only build your inner confidence but to also thrive in your career.

Your hosts are Mindset Coach Tazmin Suleman and SEO Manager Sarah McDowell, who between them have over 20 years experience working in the industry.
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About your hosts

Sarah McDowell

Profile picture for Sarah McDowell
I've been in Digital Marketing and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for around 10 years, currently working as the SEO Manager at Captivate (part of Global), the world's only growth-orientated podcast host. I am a self-confessed SEO nerd (I find the industry fascinated and love learning how search engines like Google work) and a bit of a podcast addict (with this being the fourth podcast I have hosted). I am also a speaker and trainer. I hope you enjoy this podcast!

Tazmin Suleman

Profile picture for Tazmin Suleman
I am a Life Coach, helping people grow and thrive, however my background has included careers in Development, Data Integrity and SEO. Through coaching, mentoring and teaching I help people build happier more fulfilling professional and personal lives by changing their mindset and habits. I teach courses on these topics and have incorporated a lot of the teachings in this podcast. I hope you find it useful.